We live in a time where perhaps more than ever, every penny counts. Because of this the search for services which provide excellent value for money is constantly ongoing. Learning to drive can be a potentially expensive thing to do but you can be certain that Surrey Driving Force is the home of the premier quality cheap driving lessons Chertsey has to offer.

Exceptional Pass Rates

Although you may be able to find a small handful of driving schools which Cheap Driving Lessons Chertseyoffer slightly lower hourly rates, this is by no means a guarantee that you will save money over the duration of your driving tuition. At Surrey Driving Force, we have founded our reputation on not only providing excellent hourly rates but also delivering a quality of tuition which promises to ensure that you are fully prepared for your practical test in the minimum number of lessons possible.

It is our ability to ensure that you learn all of the skills that you need to become driving test ready at the earliest possible stage have led to our learner drivers obtaining a first time pass rate for their driving test that is over 20% above the national average.

Intensive Driving Courses

An increasing number of our learner drivers have found learning to drive in an intensive driving course format to be highly beneficial.

Because of the much reduced period of time between the premier standard of cheap driving lessons Chertsey has to offer, you receive the perfect opportunity to progress at a much faster rate than by taking the regular 1 driving lesson per week format.

You will spend much less time at the beginning of each lesson covering old ground and can therefore substantially increase the speed at which you progress through your lessons and therefore reduce the number of lessons that you may need.

Available Areas

The leading level of cheap driving lessons Chertsey has to offer is available throughout all areas of Middlesex and Surrey including:

Contact Us

If you would like to receive any further information regarding the premier standard of cheap driving lessons Chertsey has to offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by either calling 0845 190 2012, texting LESSONS to 81066 or e-mailing enquiries@surreydrivingforce.com