The very thought behind preparation is to ensure that you have everything in place to allow you to cope with whatever may be thrown at you and during the driving lessons in Croydon with us, we will help you to work on absolutely every area of your driving before taking your driving test.
For this reason, it will almost certainly be to your benefit to know some of the most common reasons for driving test failure.
Below we have identified 5 of the most common reasons for failing your driving test in order to help you try and avoid these potential pitfalls.
1. Failure To Check Mirrors
It is a strange quirk of driving that one of the easiest and most important things to do as a driver is also one of the most commonly forgotten by inexperienced drivers.
Not checking your mirror has been the result of countless failed tests and we do not want you to fall into the same trap.
Tip – Always remember that any change of direction or speed requires a check of the mirrors. If you are unsure whether you should be checking mirrors, do it anyway!
2. Failure To Keep To The Correct Speed
Whilst everybody knows that driving too quickly will cause you a problem, did you know that driving too slowly could also cause a driving test failure?
Tip – Always ensure that you keep an eye on your speedo along with what is going on around you. This will enable you to react in plenty of time to changing traffic situations.
3. Problems With Manoeuvres
Manoeuvres have been the scourge of learner drivers since the dawn of time. OK, perhaps that is a slight exaggeration but they certainly form the trickiest and most nerve-racking part of the driving test.
Tip – Always make sure that you keep the car movements slow and deliberate, while making sure to observe what’s around you.
4. Incorrect Use of Signals
Not signalling is certainly one of the silliest ways to fail a test but sadly this is another common failure method.
Tip – Remember MSM – Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre.
5. Failure To Follow Procedures at Junctions
Lack of observations and failing to act correctly at junctions can result in instant failure. Coming to a stop when over the white line will not only result in a failure, it is also very dangerous.
Tip – Always keep a constant check on your mirrors and slow to an appropriate speed on the approach to a junction, while checking all around you to ensure you do not pass that white line.